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Just like teeth and gums, your jaw also plays a major part in your oral health. When your jaws are working correctly you likely won’t think about it at all - but any misalignment of your bite can have an impact on how you chew, as well as your overall health.
If your teeth are positioned in perfect alignment, the top row will slightly overlap the entire bottom row. However, if your front row of teeth is pronounced or the bottom row is further forward, you may have an overbite, underbite, or crossbite.
To protect your enamel and your overall oral health you should know the signs that your bite is out of alignment and be aware of solutions that a dental professional can offer to fix an overbite or underbite.
What is an overbite and what causes it?
If your dentist mentions your upper front teeth being further forward than the lower teeth, this is the definition of what an overbite is. In most cases, this will be a slight misalignment but you may also suffer from a severe overbite.
The reasons for teeth overbite may be hereditary or be linked to oral habits that can develop at an early age.
1. Genetics
As an overbite is most commonly caused by the size and shape of your jaw or your teeth, the most common reason you may have one is your oral genetics.
2. Grinding Teeth
Grinding your teeth is more common in children and along with sucking your thumb beyond the expected age, these habits can lead to misalignment of your jaw and lead to overbite problems as your jaw develops.
3. Mouth Breathing
Breathing through the mouth is a sign of nasal airway obstruction. This can result in changes to the craniofacial growth pattern and subsequently, malocclusion like overbite.
4. Childhood Habits
Causes of overbite that originate in childhood include thumb sucking, pushing on the teeth with the tongue, use of a pacifier beyond the age of three, and bottle feeding beyond infancy.
How to fix an overbite?
Dental professionals considering how to fix an overbite will generally refer you to a specialist Orthodontist for one of the following methods:
1. Braces
The ideal time to use braces for an overbite is between 10 and 14 years old. However, a misaligned bite can be straightened at adult ages too, though your treatment may take longer.
If you opt for this corrective method, it is important to maintain good oral hygiene throughout your treatment period and brushing with the best electric toothbrush for cleaning around braces.
2. Surgery
If your malocclusion is related to your jaw or skeletal issues, your orthodontist may recommend overbite surgery to correct the misalignment. In severe cases of mouth crowding, a procedure such as tooth removal may be recommended as an overbite treatment in conjunction with surgery.
3. Rapid Palatal Expander (RPE)
If your overbite has a skeletal cause, orthodontic appliances which fit behind your teeth are often recommended. They exercise a constant gentle pressure to move the bone and teeth further outward.
4. Headgear
For pre-teen patients, headgear is used to increase jaw mobility and is attached with rubber bands to braces. It is worn throughout the day to change the jaw’s position and can avoid the need for surgery.
What is an underbite and what causes it?
If your lower jaw extends out further than your upper teeth, then your dental professional will likely explain what an underbite is. This malocclusion can be mild but if this lower jaw misalignment is severe, it can cause difficulty with chewing or speaking and be a source of pain in your mouth and face.
1. Genetics
An underbite is most often an inherited issue as you are more likely to develop one if another family member also displays this malocclusion.
2. Mouth Breathing
Breathing through the mouth is a sign of nasal airway obstruction. This can result in changes to the craniofacial growth pattern and subsequently, malocclusion like underbite.
3. Childhood Habits
Causes of underbite that originate in childhood include thumb sucking, pushing on the teeth with the tongue, use of a pacifier beyond the age of three, and bottle feeding beyond infancy.
4. Other
Other causes linked to underbite includes atypical swallowing, tongue size and homonal imbalance.
Complications with an Underbite:
1. Pain
The unnatural jaw position of an underbite puts an unusual strain on your mouth and the surrounding joints which can cause pain.
2. Misaligned teeth
As your bite will not be applying equal pressure, an underbite can put stress on your bite as you chew.
3. Chewing difficulties
Another reason underbite correction is often recommended by dental professionals is that you may experience difficulty with chewing and swallowing food.
4. Altered face shape
The jaw position of an underbite can dramatically affect the appearance of your face so it can be a cosmetic concern. The combined effects of an altered face shape, chronic discomfort, and complications such as speaking or breathing difficulties can lead people to seek out underbite correction treatments.
How to fix an underbite?
Underbite correction is almost always recommended by dental professionals or a specialist like an Orthodontist, as an underbite will not reverse on its own.
1. Braces
For children and teenagers with an underbite, braces and orthodontic appliances are an ideal solution to adjust misalignment as the jaws develop. Beyond childhood, methods such as tooth extraction are more likely to be recommended for underbite correction.
2. Surgery
Another orthodontic treatment that is more likely to be recommended to adults in severe cases is underbite surgery which moves the upper jaw forward or the lower jaw backward. Tooth removal can also form a part of this surgery as this can release pressure caused by overcrowding and make your jaw more comfortable.
3. Rapid Palatal Expander (RPE)
If your underbite has a skeletal cause, orthodontic appliances which fit behind your teeth are often recommended. They exercise a constant gentle pressure to move the bone and teeth further outward.
4. Headgear
For pre-teen patients, headgear is used to increase jaw mobility and is attached with rubber bands to braces. It is worn throughout the day to change the jaw’s position and can avoid the need for surgery.
What is crossbite and what causes it?
A crossbite involves your top row of teeth on either side of your mouth resting inside your bottom row of teeth.
1. Genetics
If your crossbite is skeletal or dental it is likely to be genetic. However, there are other circumstantial and behavior-based causes of a crossbite.
2. Mouth Breathing
The effect of mouth breathing on your palate positioning and development of your teeth can lead to you developing a tooth crossbite issue.
3. Delayed Eruption of Permanent Teeth
As your baby teeth are delayed in falling out or your adult teeth delayed in coming through, either can lead your jaw to move into an anterior crossbite position to compensate.
4. Childhood Habits
Finally, childhood habits such as thumb sucking for an extended period may contribute to a crossbite teeth configuration.
How to fix a crossbite?
1. Clear Aligners (like Invisalign)
Unlike traditional braces, clear aligners are transparent and moulded to your teeth contours. It can be an ideal solution for crossbite in some cases.
2. Braces
The more noticeable type of braces for a crossbite solution are traditional brackets.
3. Rapid Palatal Expander (RPE)
If your crossbite has a skeletal cause, orthodontic appliances which fit behind your teeth are often recommended. They exercise a constant gentle pressure to move the bone and teeth further outward.
4. Jaw Surgery
For adults with more severe symptoms, crossbite surgery to correctly reset the jaw’s alignment is recommended.
- https://www.aaoinfo.org/blog/what-is-a-deep-bite/
- https://bhamorthodontics.com/overbites-underbites-crossbites-understanding-difference/
- https://www.healthline.com/health/crossbite
- https://uihc.org/health-topics/surgical-treatment-correct-bad-bite-frequently-asked-questions
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5225794/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6016584/
- https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK499873/